Welcome friends...thanks for coming by. We're seeking beauty in all of creation... in our faith and our families; our art and our music; our crafts and kitchens, and even in our own backyard. We'll share a poem or a recipe, a picture or a memory; maybe a dream of how we wish our life could be. And though we acknowledge that the world can be harsh, we're keeping it pleasant in our little corner; endeavoring to keep the words from the Book of all Books: ...Whatsoever things are lovely; think on these things.

I so enjoy hearing from you...so leave me a comment; it'll make my day!

Photo: Bee and thistle: Taken high in the Cascade Mountains where there is a bee buzzing on every thistle. by Debora Rorvig

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

With sweet old fashioned lilacs, red geraniums... diminutive bluebells

freshly laundered sheets, an ancient apple tree; yellow iris...

delicate columbine and ferns...

hostas and rhodys

flashy crimson pink azalea

and friendly-faced pansies next to the back door, saying "Good Morning!!!"

That's how my garden grows!!!


1 comment:

ellen b. said...

Hi Debora! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. We're so sad to have to go back to Southern California tomorrow. We truly love the Northwest best. Your yard is so lovely. I want to add a lilac to our yard sometime soon. We have friends in Lynden and friends that own a bakery in Blaine. Blessings!


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