These pretty prints are by Chinese artist Kee Fung Ng. I found them while searching for items to sell in our antique store booth at Keepsakes. I never buy anything I wouldn't want to have for myself. I absolutely adore pictures of children, so I bought them without hesitation. The artist was born in mainland China in 1941. Some years later he emigrated to the US and established his own gallery in San Francisco. He painted these from memories of his days in China. Aren't they exquisite?

They remind me of wonderful times spent on the beach with my own children. I'd often take them to Auntie Melba's beach house at Sandy Point, or to Birch Bay in the summer. We'd spend long lazy days meandering along the sandy shoreline looking for treasures, wading in warm tide pools, and hopping over incoming waves. It was the one place I can honestly say where my 3 children never squabbled with each other. I think the beach just gives you the space to be yourself. There is nothing more precious than a little child, and no better place to take them than the ocean!