Welcome friends...thanks for coming by. We're seeking beauty in all of creation... in our faith and our families; our art and our music; our crafts and kitchens, and even in our own backyard. We'll share a poem or a recipe, a picture or a memory; maybe a dream of how we wish our life could be. And though we acknowledge that the world can be harsh, we're keeping it pleasant in our little corner; endeavoring to keep the words from the Book of all Books: ...Whatsoever things are lovely; think on these things.

I so enjoy hearing from you...so leave me a comment; it'll make my day!

Photo: Bee and thistle: Taken high in the Cascade Mountains where there is a bee buzzing on every thistle. by Debora Rorvig

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Indian summer has come to an end! The rains have come. We've had something like 70 straight days of sunshine here in Western Washington this summer. Unheard of! It's been lovely, but this Pacific Northwesterner was almost giddy to take a walk in the rain today!

It's amazing how rain intensifies the musky smells of earth and plants. Today on our walk in the woods, the air was laden with the scent of fir and rotting leaves and dirt. Little wrens were chirping with delight...finally able to have a shower! Fishtrap creek is starting to run faster and soon Baron's swimming hole will be deep enough for him to really swim again, instead of just wading around.

I need to stop gardening for awhile. I'm ready to curl up with a good book (just read the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel...wonderful!) and a cup of Earl Grey tea...ready to make some cold-weather comfort food like beef stew and split pea soup...ready for cobalt-grey skies and mud puddles with leaves floating on them, and the reflection of street lights glimmering in them as though they were neon.

I'm ready for rain.



farmlady said...

How beautiful Fall is. The color, the fragrance, the coolness. It's such a nice change.
Enjoy the coolness, the good book and the Earl Gray tea.
Life is good...

joanne said...

it was so lovely, the rain, that I wanted to go out and dance in it and inhale all the wonderful smells and colours of Fall!

Rent the movie, it is fantastic! Have a good week.

chickory said...

what a charming post. I am growing only a box of lettuce this fall - and will curl up with art projects this winter. Im glad you got the rains (for the wrens and Baron too!). I cant go with you on the Earl Grey; gimme irish breakfast.


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