Welcome friends...thanks for coming by. We're seeking beauty in all of creation... in our faith and our families; our art and our music; our crafts and kitchens, and even in our own backyard. We'll share a poem or a recipe, a picture or a memory; maybe a dream of how we wish our life could be. And though we acknowledge that the world can be harsh, we're keeping it pleasant in our little corner; endeavoring to keep the words from the Book of all Books: ...Whatsoever things are lovely; think on these things.

I so enjoy hearing from you...so leave me a comment; it'll make my day!

Photo: Bee and thistle: Taken high in the Cascade Mountains where there is a bee buzzing on every thistle. by Debora Rorvig

Thursday, April 18, 2013

3 Important Things

Autumn colors and natural elements

Pretty painted mugs for sharing coffee and tea with family and friends.

Blankets and throws...warmth and comfort.

A gift from my Chinese daughter in law. A symbol of her love, culture and of ceremony.

Old books. Love of literature, knowledge and learning. And though not shown, there are many, many, many Bibles and lexicons in our home because faith is everything.


When I was just in my twenties, one of my first jobs was as an aide for Miss Leah Finkelstein. Leah was a 90-year-old spinster; a former librarian who went blind in her old age. We who treasure books can just imagine what a blow this must have been to a woman whose life centered around literature! But Leah never complained.  Though completely blind, Leah had memorized each detail of her little studio apartment which was situated in a renovated carriage-house near the university. Every morning when I came to work, she would feel her way from her little cot  to a well-worn armchair in a gabled window. Once comfortably seated, I'd hand her a mug of her favorite beverage; café au lait.(Prepared exactly to her specifications.) With a contented sigh and a little smile, Leah would warm her gnarled hands with the mug. She'd sniff the coffee and take a long sip. Then she would say, "I can feel the sun on my shoulders, the warmth of this mug, and I have had a long and wonderful life. When I go to meet my Maker, I will have nothing to complain about. Just a bouquet of thank-yous for all of the blessings in my life."

Leah loved to tell me of her childhood in the late 1800's. Her family were emigrants; Jews. Though not rich by any means, Leah used to say that her family had three things that every fine home should have...a dictionary, a finely tuned piano, and a gentle, steady horse. These of course did not preclude things such as love and kindness. They were symbols of the family's love for music and education. The horse of course, was necessary to her family for transportation, and more than this, the faithful animal was much-loved as a family pet. 

Times have changed but still, we often display items in our home that symbolize the things that mean the most to us.

If you asked me to list only 3 items necessary for a fine home, I think I might say to you...

"A well-worn Bible, photographs of family, and a sweet-tempered dog."

What 3 things would you name?



Elephant's Child said...

My list would include books, cats, and memorabilia (of both people and times which have gone, and those gifts which were given with love).

Rebecca said...

First of all, reading your word-portrait of Leah was an instructive and emotional experience for me.....

Then re. the 3 things (and subject to change): Books-Bible and journal included; a comfortable, well-fitting chair; and a window with a view. I'm not sure where a fine cup of coffee fits in, but it sure is in there SOMEwhere :)

ellen b. said...

Interesting question...
I'll have to agree on the well worn Bible and then add a welcoming atmosphere and a well stocked pantry.

Bookie said...

What an interesting experience you had! People of that period had such tales to share! I would choose your same three things...three more would be books,a good tea pot, a comfy chair.Oh I could list more...but won't. Very trying day here so your lovely pictures and post were so soothing to me this evening!

Debora said...

Thank you for your comments, ladies. Isn't it amazing that with all of the things we stuff into our homes, the simplest things are what we really love...books, pets, a chair, a pantry with food, a journal, and reminders of people we love. I wonder why we collect so much other stuff! I think I would feel at home in any of your homes:)

joanne said...

what a lovely story and experience for you. I must agree that all I need is the same three things you listed...and an occasional cafe au lait.

Susan said...

Debora, loved that essay. What a fine woman your elderly friend was. Imagine! She didn't even complain about losing her precious eyesight. I'm sure she's looking down now from high above in paradise.

Three things that make a comfortable home? Hmmmmm, let me think:

1. Peace among everyone there
2. A comfy place to sit and read, watch tv, or visit
3. Things in order and visits from friends and family

By the way, thanks so much for your visit and comment on my blog. Appreciated your visit. Susan

Anneliese said...

Love that story about the librarian. Three things.. you have me thinking ...
they would have to do with faith, relationships and something worthy to do . . .

Aunty Belle said...

Oh!! Luv yore Leah! What a sweet tribute ya' wrote of her-

Mah three thangs? Well, akshully, I'se happy wif' what ya' chose yoreself. (we jes' lost a clan dawg--mercy but it still hurts our hearts)

1. Books (wif' several translations of the Bible)

2. All manner of family memorabilia

3. A bubbling pot of homemade soup.


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