Welcome friends...thanks for coming by. We're seeking beauty in all of creation... in our faith and our families; our art and our music; our crafts and kitchens, and even in our own backyard. We'll share a poem or a recipe, a picture or a memory; maybe a dream of how we wish our life could be. And though we acknowledge that the world can be harsh, we're keeping it pleasant in our little corner; endeavoring to keep the words from the Book of all Books: ...Whatsoever things are lovely; think on these things.

I so enjoy hearing from you...so leave me a comment; it'll make my day!

Photo: Bee and thistle: Taken high in the Cascade Mountains where there is a bee buzzing on every thistle. by Debora Rorvig

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

From my journal: Be lavish with others

I've been reading out of some of my old hand-written journals. Most of them are about spiritual truths I've learned. Funny how I've almost forgotten some of the most striking thoughts that I've ever had! I thought I might share them with you from time to time...

From my journal dated 8/19/07...

A thought--Be as lavish, generous, and over the top with kindness to others as you want God to be with you.

Think of the story of Haman and Mordecai in the Book of Esther. Proud and evil Haman advised the king that he should lavish honor on the man that pleased him [the king]; and give him a fine horse, a crown, and the king's own attire. Haman fully expected that this honor would be conferred upon himself. To his astonishment; Mordecai, his enemy, was given all of the lavish treatment that he wanted for himself.  Later, when Haman built gallows upon which to hang Mordecai; he himself was hung on those very gallows.

Essentially, what Haman wanted for himself was given to others, and what he wanted for others was given to him.

We must be careful not to build gallows for others lest we be hung on them. Instead, we must look for ways to honor others.

Jesus taught this over and over--the Golden Rule is one example. He told us to bless them that curse you and do good to those who despitefully use you.

Every day I must think..."How can I honor someone else?"

Today's Post Script: Hmmm, I need to remember this. It's so easy, especially when gossiping to 'build gallows' for somebody else. I need to practice wishing good upon others, even if I don't particularly like them. Please help me with this, Father.



ellen b. said...

Boy did that line stand out to me..."be careful not to build gallows for others lest we be hung on them"
thanks for sharing...

Linda O'Connell said...

Debora, what a lovely reminder to practice the Golden Rule.

Rebecca said...

I appreciate this reminder and need to practice it until I am REALLY "good" at it and it becomes a natural (Supernatural) part of me....

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh what a great post. We should all strive to practice this. Thanks!


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